Registration is full and closed! However, you can join our waitlist by emailing Kate at For those who are registered, there are 4 more classes with seats available, reserve those now.
FSDPA Invites You to Join us at Our 16th Annual Conference!
New Wave Dermatology Conference:
An Educational Symposium for the Future of PAs 1 CME
Pending approval for up to 31 Category 1 CME Credit Hours
Registration is now open!
New Wave Dermatology is a four-day comprehensive medical education symposium designed as a comprehensive training program for PAs and Nurse Practitioners working in the field of medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology. We designed this four-day conference to increase the knowledge and skill level of practicing dermatology and aesthetic PAs and NPs by offering live didactic sessions, question and answer sessions, as well as hands-on workshops. This multi-sponsored, CME accredited program has recruited an outstanding faculty of thought leaders to conduct educational sessions on a wide array of topics.
By registering for this conference you agree that the FSDPA can send you emails regarding FSDPA events as well as third-party events. Your email address will not be shared with third-parties. You also agree that photos taken by the FSDPA at the conference allow us to use the photos for marketing and on promotional materials. You may contact us if you wish to opt-out by emailing us at Anyone registering after April 15, 2024 will not be listed in the conference program.