New Wave Dermatology Southeast Regional Conference: An Educational Symposium for the Future of Physician Assistants approved for up to 28 Category I CME Credit Hours New Wave Dermatology is a four-day medical education program designed as a comprehensive training program for Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners working in the field of dermatology. We designed this four-day comprehensive symposium to increase the knowledge and skill level of practicing dermatology PAs and NPs by offering live didactic sessions, question and answer sessions, as well as hands-on workshops. This multi-sponsored, CME accredited program has recruited an outstanding faculty of dermatology thought leaders to conduct educational sessions on a wide array of common and uncommon dermatoses.
Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, Florida
Room Block is currently full at the Biltmore Hotel.
The FSDPA has secured an overflow hotel at the Westin Colonnade, 180 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33134.
Room Block is currently full at the Westin Colonnade.
Shuttle Schedule to and from Westin and Biltmore:
Thursday April 28:
Pick Up @ Westin Colonnade 7AM
Pick Up @ Westin Colonnade 11:20 AM
Pick Up @ Biltmore 5:45 PM
Pick Up @ Biltmore 7:45 PM
Friday April 29:
Pick Up @ Westin Colonnade 7 AM
Pick Up @ Biltmore 5:30 PM
Pick Up @ Biltmore 8:40 PM
Saturday April 30th:
Pick Up @ Westin Colonnade 7:30 AM
Pick Up @ Biltmore 6:15 PM
Sunday May 1:
Pick Up @ Westin Colonnade 7:30 AM
Contact BCI Management and Communications to become a Sponsor and/or Exhibitor.
Exhibitor/Sponsorship agreement and payment must be received by April 1 in order to secure your exhibit space.
Exhibit Space: Alhambra Ballroom
Location: Biltmore Hotel Coral Gables, Florida
Exhibit Set-Up Thursday, 1:30pm – 4:30 pm / Exhibit Teardown Saturday 4:00-5:00pm
There will be no breakdown of exhibit space prior to Saturday at 4:00pm. If a company must break down early this must be approved three weeks prior to the conference so we can place your exhibit table in an area that will not disrupt the other exhibitors or conference participants.
Shipping Packages:
Please include the following information on each package:
Event Name: FSDPA New Wave Dermatology
Hold for: (Company Name _________________)
1200 Anastasia Ave
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Packages may be delivered to the hotel up to 3 days prior to the conference. Let us know if you require electricity at your booth. There may be a fee for holding packages.
Welcome Reception on Thursday and “Friday Night Fever” reception is for everyone.
“Outside events are to be scheduled 30 minutes after the conclusion of each conference event.”
Please register your company’s representatives at the link below:
Welcome Cocktail Party
Get Your Disco Attire Ready!